Publicaciones y recursos

Los siguientes materiales de divulgación están diseñados para ayudar a los clientes de servicios comerciales a aprovechar al máximo los programas y servicios disponibles. Imprímalos en su propia impresora o pida copias impresas. Póngase en contacto con nosotros solicitar copias impresas.




Otros recursos


Insertos de facturación


Milpitas Sanitation — Programa de recolección comercial

Saneamiento en Milpitas: ¿qué sucede con su reciclaje?

Milpitas Sanitation: ¿qué pasa con los restos de comida?

Saneamiento en Milpitas: ¿qué pasa con su basura?

Saneamiento en Milpitas: ¿qué sucede con las podas de su jardín?

Enlaces útiles

Recursos específicos de la industria

Información general sobre reducción, reutilización y reciclaje de residuos

Reducción de correo


Jardinería y compostaje

Residuos peligrosos empresariales (HHW) /residuos electrónicos

Construcción ecológica

Recursos para estudiantes y profesores

¡Conviértase en un negocio ecológico!

Día de la Tierra todos los días

The following outreach materials are designed to help commercial service customers make the most of available programs and services. Print them from your own printer or order hard copies. Contact us to request hard copies.




Other Resources


Billing Inserts


Milpitas Sanitation – Commercial Collection Program

Milpitas Sanitation – What happens to your Recycling?

Milpitas Sanitation – What happens to your food scraps?

Milpitas Sanitation – What happens to your Garbage?

Milpitas Sanitation – What happens to your Yard Trimmings?

Helpful Links

Industry-Specific Resources

General Waste Reduction, Reuse & Recycling Information

Mail Reduction

Donation / Reuse

Gardening & Composting

Business Hazardous Waste (HHW) / Electronic Waste

Green Building

Student/Teacher Resources

Become a Green Business!

Earth Day Everyday

The following outreach materials are designed to help commercial service customers make the most of available programs and services. Print them from your own printer or order hard copies. Contact us to request hard copies.




Other Resources


Billing Inserts


Milpitas Sanitation – Commercial Collection Program

Milpitas Sanitation – What happens to your Recycling?

Milpitas Sanitation – What happens to your food scraps?

Milpitas Sanitation – What happens to your Garbage?

Milpitas Sanitation – What happens to your Yard Trimmings?

Helpful Links

Industry-Specific Resources

General Waste Reduction, Reuse & Recycling Information

Mail Reduction

Donation / Reuse

Gardening & Composting

Business Hazardous Waste (HHW) / Electronic Waste

Green Building

Student/Teacher Resources

Become a Green Business!

Earth Day Everyday

The following outreach materials are designed to help commercial service customers make the most of available programs and services. Print them from your own printer or order hard copies. Contact us to request hard copies.




Other Resources


Billing Inserts


Milpitas Sanitation – Commercial Collection Program

Milpitas Sanitation – What happens to your Recycling?

Milpitas Sanitation – What happens to your food scraps?

Milpitas Sanitation – What happens to your Garbage?

Milpitas Sanitation – What happens to your Yard Trimmings?

Helpful Links

Industry-Specific Resources

General Waste Reduction, Reuse & Recycling Information

Mail Reduction

Donation / Reuse

Gardening & Composting

Business Hazardous Waste (HHW) / Electronic Waste

Green Building

Student/Teacher Resources

Become a Green Business!

Earth Day Everyday

The following outreach materials are designed to help commercial service customers make the most of available programs and services. Print them from your own printer or order hard copies. Contact us to request hard copies.




Other Resources


Billing Inserts


Milpitas Sanitation – Commercial Collection Program

Milpitas Sanitation – What happens to your Recycling?

Milpitas Sanitation – What happens to your food scraps?

Milpitas Sanitation – What happens to your Garbage?

Milpitas Sanitation – What happens to your Yard Trimmings?

Helpful Links

Industry-Specific Resources

General Waste Reduction, Reuse & Recycling Information

Mail Reduction

Donation / Reuse

Gardening & Composting

Business Hazardous Waste (HHW) / Electronic Waste

Green Building

Student/Teacher Resources

Become a Green Business!

Earth Day Everyday