Commercial Setout Tips and FAQs

Click the question or statement to reveal helpful answers and suggestions.
My collection container is damaged. Can I get a replacement?
How do I start my service?
We no longer need garbage service. How do we cancel?
How often do MSI’s rates change?
If I am already recycling and composting all I can. What can I do to keep my bill down?
What should I do if not all our garbage, recycling, yard trimmings or food scraps material was picked up on our last service day?
What belongs in each of my collection containers?
What should I do with unwanted medications, sharp (needles/lancets), leftover paint, old cleaning products, and other potentially hazardous items? What about old computer equipment and cell phones?
My business has a one-time surplus of food. I’d hate for it to go to waste—any suggestions?
We’ve been going out of our way to do the right thing and would like people to know it. Is there a way for us to gain recognition as a “green” business?
I’m sick of junk mail! Is there a way to make it stop?
What size are the bins/dumpsters that MSI uses?
What are the cart measurements?

Are you still uncertain about sizing, pricing, or other details? Contact one of our professionals to get more information regarding which option is the best for you.