Single Family Residential Rates

Single Family Residential

NEW 2025 Single Family Residential Rates

Below rates effective January 1 through December 31, 2025

Doing a small construction, demolition or landscaping job? Check Miscellaneous Services table.

Need a larger amount for a longer time?  Click here for debris box rates.

Click here for garbage cart sizes/dimensions.

Click here for printable version of NEW January 1 – December 31, 2024 rates.

Basic Weekly Service* Curbside, Backyard or Sideyard

(including Food Scraps, Recyclables, & Yard Trimmings) Billed Quarterly

Single Family – Premises with individual units that are billed directly for service. Single-Family includes 1-4 residential units that are provided carts (single-family, mobile homes, duplex through four-plex developments, and townhomes and row houses with accessible individual street frontage).

Container Size

Curbside Quarterly Rate

Backyard or Sideyard Quarterly Rate

19-gal Solid Waste /19-gal Food Scraps Split Cart


1.5 Yard 19-gal Solid Waste /19-gal Food Scraps Split Cart Backyard Svc


26-gal Solid Waste /19-gal Food Scraps Split Cart


26-gal Solid Waste /19-gal Food Scraps Split Cart Backyard Svc


45-gal Solid Waste /19-gal Food Scraps Split Cart


45-gal Solid Waste /19-gal Food Scraps Split Cart Backyard Svc


67-gal Solid Waste /29-gal Food Scraps Split Cart


67-gal Solid Waste /29-gal Food Scraps Split Cart Backyard Svc


*Quarterly rate also includes 96 gallon split cart for recyclables and a 96 gallon yard waste cart. 64 gallon split cart for recyclables is available upon request. Recyclable Materials program includes collection of batteries placed in a bag on top of the recycling cart.

Basic Weekly Service* Senior Rates

(including Food Scraps, Recyclables, & Yard Waste) Billed Quarterly

Single Family – Premises with individual units that are billed directly for service. Single-Family includes 1-4 residential units that are provided carts (single-family, mobile homes, duplex through four-plex developments, and townhomes and row houses with accessible individual street frontage).

Container Size

Curbside Quarterly Rate

Backyard or Sideyard Quarterly Rate

19-gal Solid Waste /19-gal Food Scraps Split Cart - Senior


19-gal Solid Waste /19-gal Food Scraps Split Cart - Senior Disabled Backyard Svc


26-gal Solid Waste /19-gal Food Scraps Split Cart - Senior


26-gal Solid Waste /19-gal Food Scraps Split Cart - Senior Disabled Backyard Svc


* Quarterly rate also includes 96 gallon split cart for recyclables and a 96 gallon yard trimmings cart. 64 gallon split cart for recyclables is available upon request. Free backyard service is subject to periodic evaluation and is not a permanent, binding status agreement between Milpitas Sanitation and the subscriber. Milpitas Sanitation reserves the right to require those subscribers receiving free backyard service to provide verification of eligibility upon request.

Basic Weekly Service* Backyard Disabled Service

(including Food Scraps, Recyclables, & Yard Waste) Billed Quarterly

Single Family – Premises with individual units that are billed directly for service. Single-Family includes 1-4 residential units that are provided carts (single-family, mobile homes, duplex through four-plex developments, and townhomes and row houses with accessible individual street frontage).

Container Size

Backyard or Sideyard Quarterly Rate

19-gal Solid Waste /19-gal Food Scraps Split Cart Disabled Backyard Svc


26-gal Solid Waste /19-gal Food Scraps Split Cart Disabled Backyard Svc


45-gal Solid Waste /19-gal Food Scraps Split Cart Disabled Backyard Svc


67-gal Solid Waste /29-gal Food Scraps Split Cart Disabled Backyard Svc


* Quarterly rate also includes 96 gallon split cart for recyclables and a 96 gallon yard trimmings cart. 64 gallon split cart for recyclables is available upon request. Free backyard service is subject to periodic evaluation and is not a permanent, binding status agreement between Milpitas Sanitation and the subscriber. Milpitas Sanitation reserves the right to require those subscribers receiving free backyard service to provide verification of eligibility upon request.

On-Call Curbside Bulky Bag/Bulky Item Collection

Additional Charges/Services

Customers requiring additional annual collection events may pay a fee to schedule additional on-call collections. Customers may also pay a fee for those additional items that exceed the on-call collection event guidelines.

Material Type


Rate Per Pickup

Additional On-Call Curbside Clean Up

Customers requesting annual collection beyond four (4) per year. Program guidelines will apply.


Major Appliances

Air Conditioners, Refrigerators, Freezers or any items containing oil, fuel or Freon (White Goods).
One free per clean up - additional charged per item.


Bulky Items

Bulky Item Examples - Gas & electric powered push style lawn mowers.
And all other large items; Bathtubs, mattresses, furniture, bicycles, used exercise equipment, beds, box springs, tires etc. (contact MSI for acceptable items).
One free per clean up - additional charged per item.


PLEASE NOTE: MSI will deliver two 1.5 yard bulky bags on customers service day, upon request. Both bulky bags will be removed on the next service day. There is no discount for not filling both bags. If customer reschedules one bag for a future date they will be charged the additional on call curbside clean up charge. Customers may schedule on-call cleanup a total of four pickups in a rolling 12 month period. Pickups must be scheduled no less than eight weeks apart. Organic material includes small tree stumps not to exceed six-inches and three-feet in length. C & D excludes concrete. Any single items exceeding 75 pounds will not be accepted.

Miscellaneous Services for Single Family Cart Customers


Description of Service

Rate per Occurance

Bag Tags

Overages will be collected from customers who purchase additional bag tags.
Customer purchased tags will be affixed to extra garbage (placed at the curb in a bag).


1 yd Temporary Bin Service

Placement and removal of 1 cubic yard bin provided for occasional use.
Customer may dispose of Solid Waste, Recyclable Materials, Organics Material
(including small tree stumps not to exceed 16 inches in diameter or length), Reusable Materials, C&D (excluding concrete).
U-Waste and E-Waste will not be accepted.


2 yd Temporary Bin Service

Placement and removal of 2 cubic yard bin provided for occasional use. Customer may dispose of Solid Waste, Recyclable Materials, Organics Material
(including small tree stumps not to exceed 16 inches in diameter or length), Reusable Materials, C&D (excluding concrete). U-Waste and E-Waste will not be accepted.


3 yd Temporary Bin Service

Placement and removal of 3 cubic yard bin provided for occasional use. Customer may dispose of Solid Waste, Recyclable Materials, Organics Material
(including small tree stumps not to exceed 16 inches in diameter or length), Reusable Materials, C&D (excluding concrete). U-Waste and E-Waste will not be accepted.


Cart Replacement/ Service Level Changes

Charge if customer requires service level change for cart service in excess of more than once per 12 month period.


Christmas Tree Removal

Collection of holiday trees for the two weeks beginning on the Monday following Christmas and continue for ten (10) Business days.
Holiday trees are collected on Customer's regular collection day during the designated weeks.


Damaged Bin/Cart Repair

Charge if customer requires cart replacement in excess of one replacement per year.


2-gallon Food Scraps Pail - Additional/ Replacement

Charge if customer requires delivery of additional pails or replacement pails.

Contractor Cost Adjusted Annually During Rate Increase

Late Fee

Charged per quarter to delinquent accounts.


Restart Fee

Charge if customer requires cart replacement of recycling or yard trimmings cart as a result of delinquent account service reduction.
Fee will be waived for those customers opting into the MSI autopay program.


Returned ACH Fee

Charge for autopay by bank payments rejected by customer's bank.


Returned Item Fee

Charge for checks returned unpaid by customers' bank.


PLEASE NOTE: Extra Bag Tags are available for purchase from Milpitas Sanitation, Milpitas City Hall, Milpitas Sports Center and the Barbara Lee Senior Center. Click here to contact us via email or call us at 408-988-4500 for more information.